



A hotel designed as a succession of sensations and contrasts that make the visitor feel. The hotel opens to the sun, the sea and the views. It is half-buried, so it is not a wound in the landscape, but part of it with wooden volumes that emerge from the earth in search of the sun.

A plaza-meeting point is both the entrance to the beach, the square and entrance to the restaurant. The different users will find their space in the hotel and also in this square. The room is the key aspect of the project where two differentiated areas are established: one linked to the outside with a higher ceiling and another elevated above the first, where the bed is located and where we feel protected.

The southeast orientation allows us to be awakened by the sun in the morning and encourages us to enjoy breakfast and a walk along the beach at the foot of the hotel. Oak wood from local forests is chosen and used in almost all elements of the project to achieve the most domestic character.

Hotel. Sea. Sun. That is the project.